Underestimation of coal mine emissions

Australia’s open mines are reporting fugitive emission intensities only about one-tenth of those reported by underground mines. This appears to be due to prescribed methane estimation methods based on research 30 years old, rather than deliberate under-reporting.

Assuming that open cut coal mines have the same fugitive emission intensities as underground mines suggests that fugitive emissions from open cut mines were under-estimated by about 84 Mtonnes of CO2 equivalent in 21-22.

We conclude that

  • Emission estimates for underground coal mines may be about right

  • Methane emissions from open cut mines appear to be strongly underestimated

  • Current emission estimation methods for open cut mines should be abandoned

  • Open cut coal mines should be required to measure their emissions directly

  • Regulatory authorities should use satellite observations as broad checks

  • Retrospective changes to Australia’s emission reports may be needed

  • The Climate Change Authority needs reliable data to meet its responsibilities.


Roles and models for the Climate Change Authority


Problems on the path to net zero